57 out of 62

Sullivan County, New York is 57 of 62 counties in our statewide health rankings.* With a population of 78,000, 17.1% of our residents live below the poverty line. That’s 44% higher than the national poverty rate and the highest in the Hudson Valley.

24% of children in our county live in poverty.**
9.9% of households lack financial or other resources to reliably access enough food to live an active healthy life.^
18.3% of our children are not getting enough food they need to grow and thrive.^^ 

* Robert Wood Johnson Foundation map.feedingamerica.org
** Source: www.welfareinfo.org
^ Source: 2022 U.S Census Bureau Quick Facts: Sullivan County, NY
^^ Source: feedingamerica.org

 At A Single Bite, we picture a day when
hunger and food insecurity cease to exist.

When everyone in Sullivan County
has access to enough food to live an active, healthy life.

This is no small feat because it’s a
big, complicated problem.

Missing meals

can be temporary or long-term and be caused by many things: poverty, unemployment, high housing and food costs, chronic health conditions, systemic racism, and discrimination. Any or every one of these challenges often force people to decide between buying food or paying for household expenses. It is those decisions that lead to hunger and the poor health jeopardizes a child’s ability to learn and grow.

In Sullivan County, 16.1% of our 78,000 residents live below the poverty line, and the CHILD food insecurity rate in Sullivan County is: 18.3%That’s 2.2% higher than the national average and the highest in the Hudson Valley.

ONE in FIVE kids in our community doesn’t get enough to eat!

These staggering statistics make our mission to feed and educate our neighbors with real, local food even more critical.

A Single Bite is feeding and educating
our neighbors with real, local food.

Since March 2020, we have prepared and delivered more than 157,000 servings - over 700 per week to local families struggling to put healthy food on the table. 

Working closely with educators, our Real Food Education Program is a four-part, immersive experience that teaches students about making healthy food choices.

Please consider a donation, every dollar helps
children and their families to enjoy healthier lives!