| Real Food Education Students Reached: 1,550+ | Total Meals Served to Sullivan County Families in Need: 185,000+ |
| Real Food Education Students Reached: 1,550+ | Total Meals Served to Sullivan County Families in Need: 185,000+ |
Educating and Feeding Our Neighbors With Real Local Food

We have assumed operations of the 5,000-square-foot
Catskills Food Hub.
In early 2023, A Single Bite assumed operations at the Sullivan Catskills Regional Food Hub — a 5,000-square-foot facility in Liberty, NY. With this expansion we have added local food distribution to our core mission and have begun to increase the amount and the quality of fresh produce on school menus to local food pantries, and for working families.
Your support is laying the foundation for us to:
Expand our current Family Meal and Education programs - feeding and educating our neighbors with real, local food
Support local Farm-to-School efforts and supplement Sullivan County schools’ backpack programs with more fresh foods
Introduce Real Food - Real Futures to help prepare students for career and college readiness during their high school years
Engage the Sullivan Catskills Food Insecurity Coalition to assure sustainable service
to the community
We will continue to support the improved health of Sullivan County while identifying pathways and alliances to solve the food-centric issues that impact the well-being and quality of life of our neighbors
By operating the Catskills Food Hub, we will become an essential part of Sullivan County’s food economy, adding local food distribution to our core mission.
We hope you are encouraged by that work and will lend
your support as we endeavor to make more healthy,
local food and nutrition education accessible
to Sullivan County children and their families.
Your gift can mean so much to so many.
Since March 2020, we have prepared and delivered more than 185,000 servings - over 700 per week to local families struggling to put healthy food on the table.
Working closely with educators, our Real Food Education Program is a four-part, immersive experience that teaches students about making healthy food choices.
Please consider a donation,
every dollar helps children and their families
to enjoy healthier lives!
August 2022
“Our goal is to do everything we can to eradicate the problem [of food insecurity] in Sullivan County.
No one in our county should go to bed hungry.”
Sims Foster, Co-Founder, Forbes Magazine
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